It is a tremendous honor to serve as your District 4 Indianapolis City-Councilor!

In my first year in office, I have focused on a number of issues that impact our city, such as infrastructure, public safety and improving Castleton area. I’ve been very proud to have helped work on these issues, such as fully resurfacing Masters Road within 6 months, supporting our law enforcement and applying for federal funding to improve Castleton.

But most importantly, the top priority of a Councillor should always be being accessible, listening to everyone and working hard. It is for this reason I give out my personal phone number (317-476-3025) to everyone and will continue to work hard for our area. Please let me know if I can ever be of help to you! You can also reach out to me at

Our Priorities:

  • Public Safety

    Ensuring that our city is safe is the #1 way to keep our community thriving. We must work to support our public safety officers and also build trust between law enforcement and the community.

  • Infrastructure

    I am a fierce advocate to improve the conditions of our roads and implement additional sidewalks. I promise to always be active with neighborhoods to report potholes and other issues that occur.

  • Mental Health

    Like many, mental health is an issue which has greatly impacted my family. It is an issue which intersects with every other one. We need to work on de-stigmatizing it and work on investing in programs which support this goal.

District 4 Map: